2015 Ellicottville Mardi Gras Weekend
Posted on 03/13/2015 in Winter.
Ahoy Mateys! Welcome to Mardi Gras in Ellicottville New York! This weekend is sure to be a blast especially with ERA Team VP. Mardi Gras in Ellicottville is crazy fun, the slopes at Holiday Valley and HoliMont are packed and the village is hopping busy. The biggest attraction by far for the weekend is the Parade on Saturday night, I’ve seen everything from super heroes, to nuns, sports teams, the Blues Brothers, and if you can’t tell, this year ERA agents and our office are decked out with the pirate gear. Unfortunately Johnny Depp couldn’t make it for his surprise guest appearance… trust me I tried! At 5:00 pm we’ll be kicking off one of our company’s biggest parties of the year! We invite all of our clients, customers, and friends to enjoy the music, dancing, and the finest pirate grub and ale. The parade starts at 6:30 and you’ll see Washington St lined up with thousands of spectators. Prizes are awarded for the best dressed team so be sure to cheer on your favorite group of pirates! Make sure you’re ready to catch some beads because this group of pirates have snuck on to Captain Hook’s pirate ship and found 10 treasure chests full of the beloved beads. Sunday is also packed full of fun: more costumes, more food and drink, and of course, more beads! One of the coolest things to be a part of is the ski parade on the Mardi Gras ski slope at Holiday Valley. You’ll see tons of people dressed up in costumes skiing down this awesome slope. So if you’re ready for a weekend of fun in Ellicottville, hop aboard the ERA Team VP Real Estate buccaneer and we’ll be sure to show you a good time. Yo Ho Ho Mateys!!
~Ciji Riley, Licensed Real Estate Associate Broker